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Advanced Terraform For AWS EKS AND VPC TF


Discover production-ready Terraform and AWS EKS best practices through hands-on labs and concepts in this course.

**What You'll Gain**:

1. **Terraform Architecture**: Learn Terraform best practices with a 3-layered modules architecture.
2. **Remote Backend Setup**: Create a Terraform Remote Backend in the 3-layered Module Architecture.
3. **VPC Creation**: Utilize Terraform Remote Module for VPC to create a VPC with 3-layered subnets.
4. **EKS Cluster Configuration**: Set up an EKS Cluster in the private subnet using Terraform Remote Module for EKS.
5. **Data Encryption**: Encrypt K8s secrets with AWS KMS and encrypt AWS EBS Volumes used by AWS EKS Worker Nodes.
6. **Authentication and Authorization**: Implement AWS Identity Authentication and Authorization in the K8s Cluster using aws-auth config map and cluster role binding.
7. **Node Management**: Add K8s taint and label to worker nodes from the `kubelet-extra-args` attribute, enable K8s Control Plane Logging, and configure Pod Level Authorization using IRSA (IAM Role for Service Account).
8. **Scaling and Automation**: Using user data script, scale K8s worker nodes using Cluster Autoscaler (CA) and auto-mount EFS to K8s Worker Nodes (EC2).


1. **Intermediate AWS Knowledge**: You should have intermediate knowledge of AWS EC2, VPC, subnet, load balancer, IAM, EKS, S3, SSM, and KMS.

Advanced Terraform For AWS EKS AND VPC TF

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