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This course is suitable for absolute beginners, including individuals with non-technical backgrounds, such as those engaged in selling or purchasing cloud-based solutions and services or those with some exposure to cloud-based solutions and services. It also caters to individuals with technical backgrounds who seek to validate their foundational-level knowledge of cloud services and Azure.

Throughout the course, participants will:

- Gain an introduction to Azure PowerShell and learn how to connect PowerShell to their Azure subscription.
- Familiarize themselves with the PowerShell command-lets style in Azure and understand essential PowerShell command-lets.
- Learn to query the output of Azure PowerShell commands.
- Acquire Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, understanding cloud concepts and Azure architectural components.
- Explore repetitive processes and delve into Azure Automation, including Automation Runbook and process automation.
- Discover the Runbook Gallery, shared resources, and different ways of triggering and publishing a simple Automation Runbook.
Microsoft Azure Automation with PowerShell Course

The course facilitates rapid learning of Azure concepts and provides ample practice exercises to kickstart participants' cloud journey, explicitly focusing on Microsoft Azure.

Course Components include:

- Microsoft Azure Automation with PowerShell Course
- PDF Guides covering various aspects such as Azure Essentials, Automating Azure with PowerShell, Azure Automation Using the ARM Model, Terraform on Azure, Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Sentinel in Action, and Automating Azure Infrastructure Services with PowerShell from Data Center to Cloud.

Microsoft Azure Automation with PowerShell

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